Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So, I LOVE Halloween, I always have.  My birthday is before Valentine's day and though I enjoyed many a great Chuck E. Cheese parties in my day, the month just seemed to be a blur of pink and red construction paper hearts and boxes of terrible tasting heart shaped candy.  Several other notable art project holidays come and go throughout the course of the school year, but Halloween was always my favorite both in the classroom and out.  In addition to great jack-o-lantern and black bat refrigerator art, dressing up, pillowcases full of treats and a one night license to roam about in the dark make this holiday an adolescent dream.  So, even though my Thanksgiving meal is exquisite, (complete with my homemade cranberry sauce) and I listen to Christmas music for weeks and weeks, it's Halloween that really gets me giddy.  Why do I keep talking about Halloween?  The moment has passed... it's been and gone... I have to wait 11 more months before we get to do it all again... but I will have these images from my very first quick take event to tide me over until next year!

Here is my very own organic banana with Darth Vader and a Clone Trooper...
For anyone who missed it, we hosted Pic-or-Treat on Halloween, letting costumed trick-or-treaters come by for a Limited Edition portrait taken on our Halloween set.  We waived session fees in favor of open house hours for walk in business and offered packages at a great 60% discount off of our regular print pricing.  There were so many great costumes!

We had a visit from a pirate and a butterfly...

a doctor ready to scrub in...

a beautiful witch...

  and, even Spidey struck a pose for us!

Then there was Madisen, my lovely assistant dressed up as a 5 year old, going so far as to act the part for the camera. 

Here is her tantrum in a tutu...

Trying with all her might to drag Jared into a picture...

Unsuccessful, she opts to talk to the foot?

Maybe she thought he was dressed up as Maxwell Smart and was trying to use the shoe phone! 

As you can see, a good time was had by kids of ALL ages.  So, we are excited to get into the Christmas spirit later this month when we do pictures with Santa downtown!  You can meet Santa for cookies and cocoa, and take advantage of another great holiday portrait opportunity.
We will be set up for fireplace portraits on:

Saturday, November 29th from 1-4p.m.
at the Arapahoe Senior Center

Monday, November 17, 2008

New, New, NEW!

If you want to see what's been keeping me too busy to post here, head over to  There are new portraits in almost every gallery so make sure you have a look around...  

Fresh Start

I freely admit that I may be the world's WORST blogger.  And, like any project gone awry, I'm thinking a fresh start might be the best idea, so that's what we have here.  Call it a a new beginning.  I am truly hopeful that a clean slate will help motivate me to do better, but the realist in me is going to exercise caution in making any promises.  Maybe it won't make the slightest difference, but since I can't do any worse it won't hurt to try.  I've done some "housekeeping" here in preparation for a brighter blogging future.  Archived blogs have been removed... so, if you are looking for past blogs, you are simply out of luck because they are no more.  Please do enjoy the upcoming blogs though.  I will do my best to keep the updates coming.